Literary Newsletter by Jeff Richards Vol. 2, No. 1 May, 2 2021

RUMINATIONS Literary Newsletter by Jeff Richards, Vol. 2, No. 1 May, 2 2021 EDITORIAL My next book, Everyone Worth Knowing: A Short Story Collection, published by Circuit Breaker Books, is scheduled for release on June 1, 2021. You can pre-order the book on Amazon. In this newsletter, I include the book cover, […]
Literary Newsletter by Jeff Richards, Vol. 2, No. 1 New Release, May 2021

Literary Newsletter by Jeff Richards, Vol. 1, No. 2 Listening to You

Lady Killer is now out in audiobook form. I’m pumped. The novel is written from three points of view: two women and one man. For the women parts, the narrator is Jer Adrianne Lelliott. Below is a brief interview of Jer along with a biography. The male narrator is Ramiz Mosef.
Literary Newsletter by Jeff Richards, Vol. 1, No. 1 March

I seem to have a thing for cows. Not only in Lady Killer, but in my first novel Open Country: A Civil War Novel in Stories (2015) and in my present effort, Nothing Left to Lose, a memoir of the sixties, cows play a weighty role. That is why I’m calling my newsletter Ruminations.